
HMO stands for House in Multiple Occupation. This is where a house is split into separate secured rooms that are let our separately.

HMO property gives rental yields that can’t be achieved with standard buy-to-lets. In many areas the demand for affordable, flexible housing as offered by HMO properties has never been higher. With the recent tax changes taking a bigger chunk of their revenue, there’s no surprise that many landlords are now looking to HMOs to maximise their rental income.

Many of our own clients converted their properties to HMOs over the past year. HMO properties produced the highest yields in the first quarter of 2018  at 7.1%. This is 1.3% over the market average.

HMO landlords need to be aware of the new HMO Licence rules which came into effect in October 2018. There are also additional and selective licensing requirements that are applied to specific areas across the UK.

Duncan Chambers, our Senior Account Manager and an  ARLA divisional board member, is an expert on HMO licensing and what HMO landlords must do to keep compliant. Below is our guide on HMO licensing and regulation.

Table of Contents

  1. What classifies as a HMO?
  2. Which HMOs must be licensed?
  3. Additional HMO licensing
  4. Exemptions from HMO licensing
  5. Applying for an HMO licence
  6. Your responsibilities as an HMO landlord
  7. Running an HMO without a licence and breaking the conditions
  8. Selective licensing
  9. New HMO rules from October 2018
  10. HMO property management with Howsy

What classifies as an HMO?

For a building or part of a building, such as a flat, to be classified as a House in Multiple Occupation, these conditions must be met:

  • A building where more than one household shares amenities such as a bathroom, toilet or cooking facilities OR
  • A converted building that does not entirely comprise self contained flats OR
  • A building of converted self contained flats and where the standard of conversion does not meet the minimum required by the 1991 Building Regulations, and more than one third of the flats are occupied under short tenancies OR
  • AND It must also be occupied by more than one household as their only or main residence (includes students, asylum seekers, domestic violence victims).

Usually for a HMO each person who occupies a room will pay rent. But a HMO can also include accommodation that is provided as part of employment.

The exemptions from the HMO classification are buildings occupied by the resident landlord and a maximum of two other persons who are not part of his or her household and buildings occupied by no more than two persons.

Which HMOs must be licensed?

Mandatory HMO licensing applies across England to all HMOs of 3 or more stories and occupied by 5 or more persons forming more than one household. Starting October 2018 any property occupied by 5 or more people, forming 2 or more separate households will need to be licensed.

Additional HMO licensing

A House in Multiple Occupation which does not meet the criteria for mandatory licensing can still require a HMO Licence. Councils have discretionary powers to extend licensing to other categories of HMOs which are not subject to mandatory licensing. This is known as additional HMO licensing.

Before designating an area to be subject to additional licensing, a local council must consider that a significant proportion of HMOs in that area is causing problems for tenants or the neighbourhood due to poor management. The use of this power will also be subject to consultation with those who would be affected by the designation, and approval from Government.

Once an additional licensing designation has come into force it is a requirement that HMOs that are subject to it are licensed. If you are unsure whether an HMO is subject to licensing you should contact the local council for advice.

Whether HMOs are covered by additional licensing schemes depends on exactly how the council has drafted the scheme designation. Some schemes cover the whole borough whereas others only cover smaller geographical areas. Each council will then decide what type of HMOs need an additional licence. For example, New Ham Council has included all HMOs within its additional licensing scheme subject to a small number of statutory exemptions. Whereas the additional licensing scheme in Hounslow only covers properties two or more stories high occupied by four or more people in two or more households.

Unfortunately, there is no central directory of property licensing schemes so you will need to contact your local council or search on their website. Some council website’s are much more difficult to navigate than others so do contact your local council if you are still unsure.

Exemptions from HMO licensing

Under certain circumstances you can apply to have your HMO exempted from licensing. You will have to satisfy the council you are taking particular steps to ensure that the building will cease to be an HMO or that it is one that is no longer subject to licensing. The council does not have to grant the exemption.

Applying for an HMO licence

Normally the landlord or (if there is more than one landlord) the joint landlords should apply for the HMO licence.

You can obtain an application form from the local council responsible for the area your HMO is in. The Act requires you to notify various ‘relevant persons’ (who have an interest in the HMO) that you are making the application and to notify the council of those persons’ details. The ‘relevant persons’ can be:

  • the landlord (unless you are the applicant)
  • any other owner of the HMO if the landlord does not own the freehold ie the freeholder and any head lessors, who are known to you
  • any person who is a long leaseholder (You do not need to notify any tenant who has an assured shorthold, an assured or protected tenancy whose tenancy is periodic or has less than three years to run, or a statutory tenant.)
  • any mortgagee
  • the proposed licence holder (unless you are the applicant)
  • the proposed managing agent (if any, and unless you are the applicant); and
  • any person who has agreed that he will be bound by any conditions in a licence if it is granted.

A licence lasts for a maximum of five years. The council may in some circumstances grant a licence for a shorter period if it considers it necessary. Before the end of the licence period you will be required to apply for a new licence.

What will the council look at?

The council must be satisfied that the licence holder is the most appropriate person to hold the licence. There is a presumption in the Act that this will be the landlord. If the council does not consider that he or she is suitable to hold the licence (e.g. because he is not fit and proper or the management arrangements are inadequate), it can agree that the licence is held by someone more appropriate, such as a managing agent.

Council’s obligations

The council will send you and the relevant persons a copy of the licence, together with a notice setting out the reasons for granting it. If you disagree with the terms or conditions of the licence (for example, the condition stating the maximum number of occupants permitted to occupy the building, or a condition requiring works to be carried out) you can appeal against the decision. An appeal is made to a Residential Property Tribunal.

If the council refuses to grant a licence, before making its final decision it must consult with you about its proposal and the reasons for it. It must consider any representations you make about its decision and allow a minimum period of 14 days for those representations to be received.
If following the consultation the council is still of the opinion that it cannot grant a licence it must notify you and the relevant persons in writing of its decision and the reasons for it. You will have a right of appeal against that decision to a Residential Property Tribunal. The council is under a duty when a licence cannot be granted, to make an interim management order.

Your responsibilities as an HMO landlord.

These are mandatory conditions which require the licence holder to:

  • produce an annual gas safety certificate
  • keep electrical appliances and furniture supplied by the landlord in a safe condition and to supply declarations of their safety to the local council on demand
  • install smoke alarms and keep them in proper working order and to supply to the local council, on demand, a declaration of their positioning and condition; and
  • give the occupiers a statement of the terms on which they occupy the HMO.

House in Multiple Occupation landlords need to be aware of the Management Regulations which apply to all HMOs (whether or not they are licensable) and impose certain duties on managers and occupiers. If a manager or occupier fails to comply with any management regulation without a reasonable excuse they may be prosecuted and liable to a fine of up to £5,000.

The council may also specify conditions such as those relating to the facilities in the HMO, its condition and the management of the building, including how the licence holder deals with the behaviour of occupiers.

Running an HMO without a licence and breaking the conditions

You will face a penalty of fining up to £20,000 plus costs for running without a licence. It is your responsibility to ascertain whether the building should have a licence.

You are committing an offence if without a reasonable excuse you fail to apply for a licence for the HMO if one is required.

If you are prosecuted by the council for not holding a licence and you are convicted of the offence you could face a fine of up to £20,000 plus costs.

The council cannot prosecute for the offence if you have made a valid application for a licence, or an for exemption from licensing, and the council has not made a decision on the application.

Selective licensing

Local authorities may designate an area for selective licensing either:

  • if the area is (or is likely to be) an area of low housing demand or
  • the area is experiencing a significant and persistent problem caused by antisocial behaviour and some or all of the private sector landlords are failing to take action to combat the problem

Where selective licensing applies, unlike the other forms of licensing which relate to HMOs, then normally all houses within the private rented sector for that area must be licensed, except where they require to be licensed as HMOs. Non-licensable HMOs must be licensed under Selective Licensing.

The same rules apply when granting a Selective Licence as with an HMO licence. The main differences are:

  • It is mandatory to take up references for a prospective tenant before letting a property subject to Selective Licensing.
  • Unlike HMOs, the licensing authority does not have to consider suitability for letting or amenity standards when granting a selective licence.  However, the licence holder must still be a fit and proper person.

A designation can last for five years and it can be renewed.

New HMO rules from October 2018

The new House in Multiple Occupation rules came into effect across England on the 1st of October, 2018. The main change was the definition of an HMO under the Housing Act 2004. The new definition of an HMO for licensing purposes is: ‘any property occupied by five or more people, forming two or more separate households’.

If you already have a licence for your HMO under the current “Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Descriptions) (England) Order 2006” definition, then your licence will continue to be valid until the licence expiration date (usually 5 years from the date of issue). After the expiration, you will need to apply for a new licence as usual.

HMOs that were currently licensed under an Additional Licensing scheme were migrated to the mandatory scheme. You will need to ensure you comply with your local council HMO licensing standards, which may involve making changes to your property to comply with minimum room sizes, amenity standards (kitchen facilities, number of bathrooms etc).

HMO property management with Howsy

Howsy offers a fixed-fee HMO property management service that includes finding tenants. For a flat fee of £35 inc. VAT per month per room outside the M25 and £55 inc.V AT per month per room if your property is in London. Howsy provide quarterly photographic inspections, rent collection with credit score reporting to Experian, management, and coordination of all repairs, 24/7 support for all issues that arise, and renewals and contracts. Find out more here.

Over the past few years, non-residents wishing to own residential property and expats who own rental property in the UK have had to adjust to a lot of important changes. Sadly, the UK tax system has become more and more complicated as the government tries to tackle tax avoidance and close perceived loopholes. However, this often causes hardship on those landlords who wish to be compliant and who aren’t trying to avoid any tax obligation.
The toughening up of the tax-penalty regime means that if you get something wrong, you are more likely to find yourself with a sizeable penalty to pay. Where there is an overseas element involved, including the fact that you are simply receiving your rental income outside the UK, then the tax-penalty is significantly higher.
At Howsy, we have quite a large base of landlords based overseas, both UK citizens living abroad and foreign property investors. To keep everybody informed we invited Maggie Gonzalez and Richard Pott, director and manager of Buzzacott respectively joined us for our latest webinar aimed at giving you an understanding of these important changes and how they affect your UK tax obligations. You can watch the webinar here or read the article below. 
IMPORTANT: The article below has general information value only. Each landlord’s situation is unique and you should seek professional tax advice before implementing any measures. No Agent Technologies Limited cannot be held responsible for any loss, direct or indirect.

The Non-Residential Landlord Scheme

As a non-resident, your tenants or letting agents are required to deduct a 20% basic rate income tax from the rent before they pay it over to you. While most agents are set up to deal with this reality, it can be a real problem for tenants. Both agents and tenants are always going to be cautious in deciding what they can deduct because they are the ones to pay the tax and HMRC as UK tax authority would chase your tenant or your agent for the tax that should potentially have been deducted.
If you want to receive your rents without any tax deducted, the best approach is to register for the non-resident landlords scheme so HMRC will authorize your tenant or your letting agent to pay you the rent gross and then pass all the tax reporting over to you for complete control. All you need to do is complete a form which you can find online giving details of yourself and your property.
There are some conditions that you have to meet for HMRC to authorize you on the scheme. You have to be completely up to date with your UK taxes even if it has got nothing to do with properties. Also, you will have to stay compliant or your authorization can be withdrawn.
As an overseas landlord, you need to remember that unlike most countries, the UK system runs from the 6th of April in one year to the 5th of April in the next year. Your income tax returns have to be submitted by the 31st of October following the end of the year if you are going to send it in on paper or by January 31st if you want to file online. Your income tax is to be paid in three installments. First of all, on the 31st of January during the tax year, you pay 50% of the previous year’s liability, then on the 31st of July of the tax year, you pay a second 50% of the previous year’s liability and then finally on the 31st of January at the same time as you are filing your tax return online, you have a balancing payment or repayment.

What do you need to pay Tax on?

UK Tax on Rents

You will need to calculate your rental profit, which means all your rents excluding all the expenses. However, not all expenses can be deducted. They have to be incurred wholly and exclusively for the rental business and they can’t be capital expenses. For instance, your annual insurance premium for the property can be deducted but if you build an extension, you can’t deduct the cost of the building work then deduct capital calculations when you sell.
As an individual, you would report on what we call the cash basis if your rents amount to less than £150,000 a year. That means that you only include income and expenses if you’ve actually received them or you have paid them.
You can choose an accrual basis which then matches your income and expenses and takes them into account, which will smooth your profits year-on-year. Overall, you would get a slightly lower tax rate if suddenly your income was pushed up a lot. However, there are some transitional adjustments that need to be made if you move from cash basis to accrual basis just to make sure nothing is missed out or double counted.
There is a specific restriction which was introduced from April 2017 in respect to finance costs which would include mortgage interest and arrangement fees typically for the 2017/2018 taxes, which comes to a 75% deduction in arriving at the tax rental profit. By 20/21, this would be reduced to 0%. Instead of getting a deduction for these expenses, there would be a basic rate tax reducer which is 20% calculated on your taxable rent profit and the unrelieved finance costs. You can read more about this tax restriction here.
Improvements to your property such as an extension would not qualify for a deduction from income. But for repairs to property or repairs to fixtures and fittings, it is possible to claim a deduction for the costs incurred. Typically this needs to be a replacement or decoration. Where there is some element of modernization, for example replacing single glazed windows with double glazing or if you are replacing a faulty boiler with the modern equivalent, that would also qualify.
Equally, the replacement of domestic items such as furnishings will also qualify for relief but it’s important to note that this is the replacement so the initial purchase of such items will not qualify.

UK Tax on Sale of a House/Flat

Non-Resident Capital gains Tax (NRCGT) on Residential Property

Section 24 landlord taxThis is payable by non-resident individuals where they are disposing, which is serving or giving away, interest in UK residential property and it applied from the 6th April, 2015. The NRCGT for a company would be 20% and for individuals, it would 18% or 28%; typically 28%.
The gains based on the increase in valuing that property from 6th April 2015 or if it was acquired after that date. There are two other methods of calculation, but they might not produce a better result. They are the retrospective basis which effectively is taxed on the whole gain since you acquired it or the time and apportionment basis which will calculate the entire gain and then apportion it for the period from April 2015.
In all cases, a non-resident capital gains tax return must be submitted within 30 days of completing the disposal and this is the case even if there’s no tax due. If there is tax due, this is typically payable within 30 days as well. As you file a personal tax return every year, you can choose to defer payment until the normal payment date which for a personal tax return would be the 31st of January following the tax year of disposal.

Stamp Duty Land Tax

Another tax worth quick mention is the stamp duty land tax- SLDT. This is payable by the purchaser when acquiring a UK property based on the purchase price paid. If this is not your only residential property in the UK or if you are acquiring through a company, there is also a 3% supplement and you can see the rates below:

Consideration    SDLT rate
Up to £125,000    0% (3%)
£125,000 to £250,000    2% (5%)
£250,001 to £925,000    5% (8%)
£925,000 to £1.5 million    10% (13%)
Over £1.5 million    12% (15%)

There is also 15% penal rate that applies to properties that are subject to ATED you can read about below.

Corporate Investors – Unusual Taxes

Investing through a company – Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED)

This tax applies to a non-natural person – including companies, partnerships, collective investment schemes and those that hold UK residential property. It is based on the value of the property for the 2018-2019 return. The property is valued every five years to determine which of the bands shown below the property would fall into.

Property value    Charge for 2018/2019
£500,001 to £1,000,000    £3,600
£1,000,001 to £2,000,000    £7,250
£2,000,001 to £5,000,000    £24,250
£5,000,001 to £10,000,000    £56,550
£10,000,001 to £20,000,000    £113,400
Over £20,000,000    £226,950

There are some reliefs that are available and you can claim relief from the ATED charge where you fall into one of the categories above. The most common one is where the property is let commercially to an independent third party in which case you can claim relief freely from the ATED charge of the year. However, you still need to file what is referred to as an ATED relief declaration return and the filing deadline for both related returns and the annual declaration is the 30th of April of the year to which this relates.
For properties that fall into the ATED charge, there is also what is referred to as ‘ATED related CGT’ and this can actually apply in conjunction with non-resident capital gains tax. However, where there is a case that the property falls into both charge, the ‘ATED CGT’ will take precedence. The ATED related CGT is based on the increasing value of the property since it came under the ATED charge and on the site, you can see when the property would have fallen under the ATED charge.
If relief applies at any point from the ATED charge, for instance, if it wasn’t commercially let, then that would take the property out of the ATED CGT charge for that period but any other period is subject to the ATED CGT. The return for the ATED CGT return should be filed by the 31st of January following the year the properties were disposed, sold or transferred.

Investing Through A Non-UK Resident Company- Other Differences To Direct Investment

There are a few other differences if you are investing through a company.

  • Relief for finance costs

Relief for finance costs is available for a company for all the costs that are wholly and exclusively incurred for the property business. That means that you can’t gear up your company and invest your borrowings in something other than property and get full relief for the interest against your property rental income.

  • Accruals basis and 20% tax rate

You would report on the accrual basis not the cash basis with a tax rate of 20% which is the basic rate tax in the UK. As an individual, your tax can be up to 45% if your taxable income is over £150,000 pounds for the year.

  • No personal allowances

A company is not entitled to any personal allowances whereas an individual could be either if you are a UK citizen or where you live in a country that has a double taxation agreement with the UK which grants you the personal allowance.

  • 6 April 2020: Corporation Tax

From the 6th of April 2020, companies with residential property and also commercial properties will be subject to corporation tax rather than income tax. This brings in concepts such as loan relationships, a worldwide debt cap and restrictions on corporation tax loss deductions. They give you exactly the same overall rental profit when calculated, but they add more complexity to filing your tax return and dealing with all your tax obligations.

Inheritance Tax- a Trap for the Unwary

If you own property directly, it will be subject to inheritance tax in the UK on your death. Inheritance tax in the UK is currently charged at 40% after a £325,000 allowance. For anyone who is not domiciled in the UK (which means you originated in the UK but have your real home outside the UK) or you lived in the UK previously and have left the UK permanently to settle somewhere else, anyone with that status is only taxable on their UK assets.
Previously, the general advice for anyone in the above situation is to invest in the UK property through a non-UK company and as a result, you owned a non-UK asset rather than a UK asset. However, from the 5th of April 2017, this no longer takes those properties out of the UK inheritance tax charge. Surprisingly, it’s not just the properties themselves that are included.
If there are any loans made to another party for them to buy, improve or maintain a UK residential property and more surprisingly any collateral to support a loan like that, such loan and collateral owned directly or through a non-UK company or partnership will be subject to inheritance tax. This implies that there are fewer reasons now to hold property through the non-UK company.
When you have made a loan and the loan is repaid or where you hold a company and you sell the company rather than the property, you are not out of the woods just yet. There is a further two years you have to wait before your proceeds from that sale are no longer subject to UK inheritance tax.


Here are the answers to a few questions answered by Maggie and Richard during the webinar.

  • Should my non-resident business partner be receiving his proceeds from a joint property with a tax deduction? Is there any potential problem for me?

This would depend on whether or not you are considered to be the agent for your business partner. It would make sense for him to register as a non-resident landlord to avoid future issues with the UK tax authority. It is always safer to be in the system. However, provided he is reporting all his income to HMRC and paying the appropriate taxes, you should be okay.

  • If I plan to move abroad at the end of the year, what initial steps should I take?

At that point, you would need to determine when you are becoming non-resident. Once you are non-resident, you will fall into the non-resident landlord schemes. You also need to apply to receive the rents gross.  If you have an agent, they may hold onto some of the rents until they get the authorisation to be able to pay you gross.

  • When investing family money, is it better to invest through a non-UK company or personally? What would be the best way to proceed?

This would depend on the money and amount of property involved. The more properties that you have, the higher the value and the better it is to invest through a non-UK company provided that the properties are all going to be let. If any of the family wants to live in the property, that is a completely different matter and you would need to take our advice on how that will be structured.

  • When investing in UK property, is it better to buy through a company?

It is possible that a company might be the best option but we will need more facts. It is advisable to watch moving the properties that you own directly into the company. Even though the company doesn’t pay you anything for the properties, you would have to pay stamp duty and land tax on the full value of the property so that could be up to 15%.

  • Owning a property that is currently being renovated through an Ltd company, is paying ATED on this property before it is rented out advisable?

As long as nobody connected (shareholder or director) has occupied the property and it is just being renovated and marketed straight away, you would be allowed to claim the relief from the lettings from the ATED charge. However, if there was any usage, you need to have some letting activity before you claim the relief and it would be subject to ATED. There are no other charges to bear in mind in this scenario apart from rent income.
At Howsy, we manage property in the UK on behalf of many overseas landlords, and we are up to date and on top of all the challenges that can arise. Our service provides a complete property management service that includes finding you tenants, rent collection, regular inspections and repairs management – all for a low fixed monthly fee and no hidden fees. Take a look at our service and get in touch if you want to know more.

We’re really glad that you’ve decided to place an offer on one of our landlords’ properties. The great news is, if your offer is accepted you can look forward to zero fees and having your credit score improved as you pay your rent each month.
Howsy is a platform that connects landlords and tenants. Our team is here to help throughout the entire process but ultimately the landlord chooses what happens next. Sometimes our landlords tell us to accept reasonable offers on their behalf, sometimes they’ll ask us to help facilitate a negotiation. In some circumstances, they will take some time to consider. We’ll do everything we can to speed up the process – by reminding the landlord or offering advice, but ultimately the decision is always the landlords. Please have patience and rest assured we will keep you updated every step of the way.

We are thrilled to announce that Howsy (formerly No Agent) will be the first national letting business to ensure that tenants’ timely rental payments are counted towards their credit reports.

An advantage for both tenants and landlords

We started Howsy with a simple mission- to create a better lettings marketplace for both landlords and tenants. As part of our commitment to fairness, we don’t charge any fees from our tenants, and only charge flat fixed monthly fees from our landlords. By partnering with Experian, we are taking one more step further. Our tenants will now be able to boost their credit history with on-time payments, access more affordable credit and get on the housing ladder faster.
And our landlords are getting the extra assurance that their tenants pay in full and on time. According to Experian’s internal research, the initiative significantly decreases rent arrears- by approx 70%.
Our proprietary technology will be integrated into Experian’s system and, following rigorous testing, Howsy will start sharing rent payments data with Experian. This data will then be included in tenants’ Experian credit reports.
The private rented sector is growing steadily, with a quarter of UKs population forecasted to be renting privately in five years’ time. The legislation was slower to catch up but things are changing. Last year saw a parliamentary debate following a 140,000-strong e-petition, the launch and second reading of Lord Bird’s Creditworthiness Assessment Bill in the House of Lords. At the beginning of the year, the government launched a £2 million initiative to find the best fintech platform to record rental payments by tenants.

Since most people research new properties online before arranging viewings, how you choose to advertise your property is really important. You want to attract quality tenants as quickly as possible, as it will ensure financial stability and fewer problems down the line.

Our Key Account Director Max Fordham wrote and reviewed literally thousands of rental property ads throughout his career, and is generously sharing a few tips on how to make sure your ad works to your advantage.

Table of contents:

  1. Pricing
  2. Payment options
  3. Property listing
  4. Clear description of features
  5. Photos
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Save money with Howsy

1.Assess the market & choose your price range

The first and most important thing to consider is the local market in your area. It’s worth taking a look at what similar apartments or houses in the area are going for on property websites Rightmove and Zoopla before pricing yours.

Bracketing your rental and understanding how the portals’ ranges work will also come in handy.  A price change of less than £50 may not change the audience pool that sees your ad.

For example, if you change the price on your property from £450 to £425 you’ll appear in the very same searches to prospective tenants. Whereas if you reduce to £395 or increase to £475, you’ll reach a different audience. Choosing a realistic price to advertise your property at to keep the process as efficient as possible.

Don’t forget! When you register on the Howsy platform you can use our free tool to receive a rental price approximation for your property based on public data. And once you have signed up for our service you can ask for an ‘in-depth valuation’ from your ARLA-qualified account manager.

2.How often do you want to get paid?

In affluent areas, particularly in London, it’s fairly common to charge rent weekly. Outside of London, it’s more common to charge rent monthly. Charging on a weekly basis can result in more administration, with 52 payments to collect each year, but it can also be more lucrative and give you as a landlord more flexibility.

3. Write a compelling description

The opening lines of your property listing description should be a compelling, engaging description of why your prospective tenant would want to live there.

Start with a short paragraph that gives an insight into not just the property but also the lifestyle on offer. Talk the property as though you are walking through it.

For example, if your property is in a suburb and your ideal tenant is a small family, you’ll want to focus on local schools, childcare facilities, playgrounds, doctors, and other facilities that especially important to families.

On the other hand, if you’re in an up-and-coming area for gentrification and your market is young, single professionals, you might want to point out proximity to the local social scene, gyms and trendy restaurants. Our recommended template for writing a compelling description is to start with two key points – bedrooms and type of property, then follow this template:  

  • Explain the downstairs bedroom and any appliances offered. If the appliances are good brands, this also can be a selling point.
  • Follow with describing the upstairs, size of bedrooms being key. (double, single)
  • Once you finish describing the inside of the house, follow with the garden or communal area.
  • Finish with the available date and any parking or key points.

Take a look at the examples below:

Bad description:
Two bedroom flat with double bedrooms, close to XXXX school and available immediately. Kitchen is lovely and spacious with really big lounge to the front. Walking distance to XXXX station and high street.

Good description:
Two double bedroom top floor apartment located 0.2 miles from XXXX station and XXX High Street. Internally the property offers a bright and spacious front living room, opening up through double French doors to the open planned kitchen. The kitchen consists of a Bosch branded washing machine and SMEG fridge freezer. 

Upstairs the apartment offers two double bedrooms with double-glazing to both windows and a modern fitted bathroom with a shower unit over the bath. Externally the apartment offers communal grounds and an allocated parking space. Available XXXX.

PRO Tip: Using capitals to highlight one or two features in the description – such as DETACHED FAMILY HOME or NEW BUILD can be effective, but make sure you don’t overdo it.  

4. Follow it up with clear description of the features

Now that your potential tenant is captivated by the idea of living in this great area, hit them with all the important details they need. This should include the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as other important details, like what type of heating is available, details of any garden or balcony area, bills that are included in the rent and any other vital details. Feel free to follow the template below:

  • Location to nearby stations or local amenities.
  • En-suites, dressing rooms or built in wardrobes.
  • The number of double bedrooms.
  • Gas central heating.
  • Top floor apartment or detached house.
  • 100ft rear garden.
  • Any bills or utilities included.

Remember, if you are a Howsy client you can always ask us for help with your property description and features!

5. It’s time to take some photos

Now that you’ve written a high-quality advert, it’s time to match it with great photos that show off your rental property at its best.

The first step is quite simple – get the place clean and tidy. Although it won’t impact your new tenants because the previous occupants will be gone and all their stuff will go with them, photos full of clutter and mess are really off-putting for potential new tenants. Tidy any surfaces that will appear in the photo, and wipe them clean.

Studies have proven that kitchen and reception rooms are the best main photos. If you have a unique garden or exterior, photos of it can be equally effective.

Creating a tour of the property via the arrangement of photos helps applicants psychologically imagine they are walking around the property and can have an impact on them wanting to enquire.

Bad photos -via

Good photos – from our own archive

Lighting matters

Bright and presentable rooms will always naturally create a better click-through rate than a dark, messy picture. It’s usually best to take photos in the morning when it’s bright out. Ideally, take a photo of the exterior when it’s sunny out, so your photos have a natural warmth to them.

For the interior, make sure the curtains and blinds are opened and the lights and lamps in the room are switched on. Dark corners are not a good look. If the lighting in the rental property is bad, consider bringing in lighting equipment (see next point).

Use proper equipment

While it can be tempting to snap a few shots on your iPhone and consider it a job well done, it’s not a good long-term strategy. If you’re going to have to advertise your property multiple times over the next five years – which is probably the case – it’s worth investing in getting some good shots.

With Howsy, you can choose as an add-on our Professional Photography package, and have your property photographed by a professional photographer with a good quality camera.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

Can I just advertise on Rightmove/Zoopla directly?

Unfortunately not – private landlords cannot list directly on Rightmove or Zoople. You’ll need to use a registered letting agent who can add your property listing.

What is a premium listing on Rightmove

A premium listing on Rightmove makes your property stand out as a premium listing. These listings get 35% more viewings than standard property listings. A Rightmove premium listing is included with the Howsy Protect plan.

How to advertise on Rightmove for free?

Well you can’t – but for a limited time only you can sign up to Howsy Lite for free, checkout the details below…

7. Save money and time with Howsy

Howsy Lite is our free introductory offer (usually £50 – free for a limited time) Tenant Find plan which handles listing your property on Rightmove and Zoopla for you.

If you have more questions or would like to know more about Howsy’s complete property management service, feel free to reach out on 0330 999 1234 or email us at [email protected].